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117 total results found

Website Content

04. Uniques

FAQ ~ Spawnpoints ~ Drops ~Ranking

03. Areas & Rooms

Baghdad ~ Donwhang Cave ~ Survival Area & Survival Area II ~ Mirror Dimension ~ Flame Tree ~ Garden ~ Styria Room ~ Forgotten World ~ Sky Temple ~ Under Water Route ~ Trade Event Route

01. Information

Sever Information ~ General Information ~ Job Information

02. Items

Currency ~ Exclusive Items ~ Silk Items

05. Events

Game-side Events ~ PvP Events ~ Daily Supporter Events ~ Special Events

🦖📍 Unique Spawn Points

04. Uniques

Server Information

01. Information

Links ~ Staff-Team ~ Server-Rules ~ Thread ~ Changelog ~ Donations ~ Ticket-System

General Information

01. Information


02. Items

Exclusive Items

02. Items

Silk Items

02. Items

Avatar Dresses ~ Attack Pets ~ Weapon Glows ~ 16D Skins

Job Information

01. Information

Job-Level ~ Job-Suit-Level ~ Ranking

Game-side Events

05. Events

Capture the Flag ~ Battle Arena ~ Fortress War ~ Deathmatch ~ Tower Defense ~ Job Arena ~ Safe Trade Event ~ Trade Event ~ Special Goods ~ Alchemy Event ~ Zombie Invasion ~ Ghost Event ~ Dancing Clown

PvP Events

05. Events

2vs2 PvP Event ~ STR PvP Master ~ INT PvP Master ~ PvP Tournament

Daily Supporter Events

05. Events

Small and easy Events by the Supporters throughout the day. Reward is 1x Styria Key per Round and 10x Rounds per Event. Stay online to not miss it!

Special Events

05. Events

Events which are hosted by a EM, GA or GM. Often their reward is a bit higher than the rewards of the daily Supporter Events.

General Items

02. Items

🥇 2vs2 PvP Event

05. Events PvP Events

🥇 2vs2 PvP Event > Event registration time:every Monday 22:30 servertime Event start time:every Monday 23:00 servertime Rules: Zerk is allowed Snow Shield is allowed Pain is allowed Valentines Buff / Swords of the Legion Buff is allowed Offeri...

🏅 STR PvP Master

05. Events PvP Events

🏅 STR PvP Master > Event registration time:every Friday 22:30 Server timeevery Friday 2:30 Server time Event start time:every Friday 23:00 Server time every Friday 3:00 Server time Rules: 1. Zerk is not allowed 2. Socket stones are not allowed ...

🏅 INT PvP Master

05. Events PvP Events

🏅 INT PvP Master Event registration time:every Wednesday 22:30 Server time Every Wednesday 2:30 Server time Event start time:every Wednesday 23:00 Server time every Wednesday 3:00 Server time Rules: for European INT PvP-Event: 1. Zerk is not all...

🔗 Official Links

01. Information Server Information

Official Website:    Visit Register:      Start your journey now Facebook:    Check our Facebook-Page Discord:       Join our Discord-Server Youtube:     Visit our Youtube-Channel Legion Wiki books: Legion Wiki books English-Thread:elitepvpers:      ...

⛔ Server Rules

01. Information Server Information

The following are the Legion Server-Rules. Please read carefully and always follow them. The Rules can be changed by the GM when it is necessary.      Behaviour-Rules 01. You are not allowed to harass, curse threaten or be racist (also anything related to rel...

🦸‍♂️ Staff Team

01. Information Server Information

Staff team positions with a members names (and known languages) Developer / Super Administrator:Kesatas (English)Dejavu (English) Game Master:Mawy (Spanish / English) Game Assistant:Lysko (Gernam / English)Cenky (German / Turkish / English)Watari (Spanish /...

📜 Thread - ENG

01. Information Server Information

Welcome to Legion Online Unique hunting? Jobbing? Pvp? Balanced Builds? What ever you are searching for! Legion Online is a long-term server with classic gameplay, modern features and continious updates! Let yourself be inspired and start your journey on ...

📃 Changelog

01. Information Server Information

 Changelog 23/12/2023 - Hidden Magic orb by default. Its possible to open by click magic orb icon near- Preview glow/avatars doesnt require alt press anymore, only mouse right click- Add Christmas Rudolph spawns in whole open world map. Drop santa bags possib...

🌐 Donations

01. Information Server Information

We do not sell any Items, Gold or Arena Coins!You will receive Legion Points (Silk) for your donation. Your character needs to be Level 120 or above to see the donation-option on our Website, Donate Options: Option 1:You can donate via ePayouts....

🎫 Ticket System

01. Information Server Information

- How to use

🙋‍♂️ Avatars Dresses - Male

02. Items Silk Items

🙋‍♀️ Avatar Dresses - Female

02. Items Silk Items

🦊 Attack Pets

02. Items Silk Items

✨ Weapon Glows

02. Items Silk Items

✨ Weapon Glows with 16D Skin Changer

02. Items Silk Items

💰 Unique Drops

04. Uniques

❓ Unique FAQ

04. Uniques

    Uniques Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Quest-Related: These Achievement Point (AP) Quests are Associated to Uniques: - Kill 1x Haroeris (15 AP) - Kill 1x Bone Roc (15 AP) - Kill 1x Medusa (15 AP) - Kill 5x Anubis (10 AP) - Kill 5x Neith (10 AP) ...

🥇 PvP Tournament

05. Events PvP Events

🥇 PvP Tournament Time to wake up, stretch and be ready for a new version of PvP Tournaments.This tournament is quite different from the other events on Legion, which means more difficult challenges.Every single build can participate in this tournament and p...

🤔 Level Guess

05. Events Daily Supporter Events

  🤔 Level Guess Event Event procedure: The Supporter who runs the event, will send a notification at Global-Chat and Discord, 10 minutes before the event starts. When the event starts, the Event-Host will write a Global with a Monster-Name. You have to se...

❓ Trivia / Q & A

05. Events Daily Supporter Events

  ❓ Trivia / Q & A Event procedure: The Supporter who runs the event, will send a notification at Global-Chat and Discord, 10 minutes before the event starts. When the event starts, the Event-Host will write a Global with a Question. You have to send a me...