📜 Legion Menu
- in "titles" change your titles and quest "icons" that appear next to your title;
- in "achievements" access the list of achievements quests (it is through these quests that you can farm silver coins and increase your job level);
- in "schedule" access the time of events;
- in "shop" access the shop to buy items for Event Points, such as job suits, arena coins, flowers, silver coins, 3* and 4* FGW portal and the flag update scroll;
- in "events" register for deathmatch and tower defense events;
- in "honor" you can see the progress of the daily (bronze), weekly (silver) and fortnightly (gold) honor buff quests;
- in "uniques" you can access the list of the status of the uniques, whether they are alive or dead and the time of each act;
- in "job exchange" the experience obtained in the job is exchanged for GOLD COINS;
Furthermore, through the legion menu you have access to external links, such as the legion discord, website, Facebook, YouTube.