⏰ Schedule
Completely Schedule
00:00 Servertime
00:00 - Capture the Flag
01:00 Servertime
01:00 - Bone Roc appeares
01:00 - Dancing Clown
02:00 Servertime
02:00 - Capture the Flag
02:30 - Isis & Anubis Gates open
03:00 Servertime
04:00 Servertime
04:00 - Neith & Selket Gates open
05:00 Servertime
05:00 - Unique Event (Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday)
05:00 - Capture the Flag
05:00 - Dancing Clown
06:00 Servertime
06:00 - Titan Unique Invasion
06:00 - Safe Trade Route Event
07:00 Servertime
08:00 Servertime
08:30 - Isis, Anubis, Selket & Neith appear
09:00 Servertime
10:00 Servertime
10:00 - Titan Unique Invasion
10:30 - BeakYung the white Viper (Medusa) appeares
11:00 Servertime
11:00 - Haroeris Gates open
12:00 Servertime
12:00 - Capture the Flag 13:00 Servertime
14:00 Servertime
14:00 - Titan Unique Invasion
14:00 - Capture the Flag
15:00 Servertime
15:00 - Black Dragon appeares
15:00 - Dancing Clown
16:00 Servertime
16:00 - Battle Arena
16:00 - Ghost Hunting Event
16:30 - Neith & Selket Gates open
17:00 Servertime
17:00 - Haroeris Gates open
17:00 - Special trader shop with bergain
18:00 Servertime
18:00 - Titan Unique Invasion
18:00 - Capture the Flag
18:00 - Safe Trade Route Event
19:00 Servertime
19:00 - Job Arena
19:00 - Alchemy Event
20:00 Servertime
20:00 - Special trader shop with bergain
20:30 - Isis, Anubis, Selket & Neith appeares
21:00 Servertime
21:00 - Deathmatch
21:00 - Dancing Clown
22:00 Servertime
22:00 - Tower Defense Event
22:00 - Titan Unique Invasion
22:00 - Behemoth Unique appeares
22:30 - PvP Events (Monday / Wednesday / Friday)
23:00 Servertime
23:00 - Unique Event (Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday)