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Achievement Points (AP)

Description: Used to buy Silver Coins.

How to obtain or ways to get ACHIEVEMENT POINTS (AP). You can only obtain with following quests:

1) Daily Random = 2 AP

2) Kill 20 different Thieves (Job level more than 10) = 15 AP

3) Kill 20 different Hunters (Job level more than 10) = 15 AP

4) Kill 20 different Traders (Job level more than 10) = 15 AP

5) Kill 15 different type uniques in job mode = 25 AP

6) Sell 20000 Goods packages = 25 AP

7) Sell 1000 Goods from Hotan in Jangan = 5 AP

8) Sell 1000 Goods from Hotan in Thieves village = 10 AP

9) Upgrade item to +15 in Job mode 3 times = 5 AP

10) Play 10 hours in Job mode = 5 AP

11) Play 100 hours in Job mode = 20 AP

12) Buy behemoth from NPC = 1 AP

13) Win alchemy event in job mode = 5 AP

14) Use Upgrade scroll 5 times = 5 AP

15) Use Special Upgrade scroll 5 times = 10 AP

16) Use Legion upgrade scroll = 5 AP

17) Complete Silver Honor Achievments 3 times = 30 AP

18) Be Top 10 in Daily Job Ranking 2 times = 15 AP

19) Be Top 10 in Weekly Job Ranking = 20 AP

20) Exchange daily limit Gold Coins 3 times = 10 AP

21) Open Special Box 5 times = 5 AP

22) Draw Golden Dragon Flag +9 Int/Str Blue from Special Box = 20 AP

23) Go to Sytria = 5 AP

24) Win Fortress war 2 times = 25 AP

25) Upgrade Job suit 2 times = 5 AP

26) Win PVP event = 30 AP

27) Kill 20 players in Job deadmatch event = 30 AP

28) Join to Deadmatch Job event = 5 AP

29) Kill Statue Of Justice = 20 AP

30) Reach 15 Job Level = 15 AP

31) Kill Player in PK mode = 10 AP

32) Upgrade item to +18 = 5 AP

33) Kill Bone Roc = 15 AP

34) Kill Medusa = 15 AP

35) Kill Haroeris = 15 AP

36) Win The PVP Tournament = 30 AP

37) Event Reward = 30 AP

38) Kill Selket 5 times = 10 AP

39) Kill Neith 5 times = 10 AP

40) Kill Anubis 5 times = 10 AP

41) Kill Isis 5 times = 10 AP

42) Kill Geenie 1 times = 30 AP

43) Kill Harrison 1 times = 30 AP

44) Win 2 vs 2 PVP Event = 30 AP

45) Kill one of Job deatmatch unique = 10 AP

46) Kill Seth = 10 AP