🥇 2vs2 PvP Event
🥇 2vs2 PvP Event

 itEvent registration time:
every Monday 22:30 servertime
Event start time:
every Monday 23:00 servertime
- Zerk is
pvp- Snow
eventShield gatheris yourallowed
friends- Pain
tois makeallowed
your- Valentines
teamBuff and/ joinSwords of the eventLegion 2vs2
event Rules:
1. Zerk Allowed
2. Snow Allowed
3. Pain Allowed
4. VB Allowed
5.Offering Allowed
6. 20% attack def scrollBuff is allowed
7.Offering is allowed
20% Attack / Defense Scrolls are allowed
Devil is allowed*
(Socket thisstones ruleare can change depending on the round and the round master )
not allowed:Â Â allowed
1.Balloons Socketsare not allowed
Bless spell is not allowed ( this rule can change depending on the round and the round master )
2. Balloons is not allowed
3. Bless is not allowed ( allowed only for the wizardsWizard, but the other char in the team havehas to remove itit)
4. Iron shieldShield is not allowed
5.Burning BurringShield shieldis not allowed
6.Reflect Refis not allowed
7.Mask maskis not allowed ( allowed only for daggerRogue/Warlock)
warlockScreens ) are 8. Screen not allowed
9. Earth Fence is not allowed
10. Healing OrbitOrbis is not allowed for warriorWarrior/Rogue)
11. Vital Increaseincrease is not allowed
12. wantedWanted Buff is not allowed
2x  rewardHonor willBuff
2x be"TheBest"-Title
2x :
2 title ( TheBest ) +2 SwordSwords of Legion buff + 1600 Devil skulls + 2 honer buff 14 days
event is every Monday 23:00
server time hopping good luck for every one in the eventLegion
4x 400 Skulls
PvP Event
 itEvent registration time:
every Monday 22:30 servertime
Event start time:
every Monday 23:00 servertime
- Zerk is
2vs2allowed - Snow
eventShieldgatherisyourallowed - Pain
toismakeallowed - Valentines
teamBuffand/joinSwords of theeventLegion2vs2
not allowed:Â Â allowed
4x 400 Skulls