🥇 2vs2 PvP Event
 it is 2vs2 pvp event gather your friends to make your team and join the event 2vs2
event Rules:
1. Zerk Allowed
2. Snow Allowed
3. Pain Allowed
4. VB Allowed
5.Offering Allowed
6. 20% attack def scroll is allowed
7. Devil allowed ( this rule can change depending on the round and the round master )
not allowed:Â Â
1. Sockets is not allowed ( this rule can change depending on the round and the round master )
2. Balloons is not allowed
3. Bless is not allowed ( allowed only for the wizards but the other char in the team have to remove it )
4. Iron shield not allowed
5. Burring shield not allowed
6. Ref not allowed
7. mask not allowed ( allowed only for dagger warlock )
8. Screen not allowed 9. Earth Fence not allowed
10. Healing Orbit not allowed for warrior Rogue
11. Vital Increase not allowed
12. wanted Buff is not allowed
 reward will be :
2 title ( TheBest ) +2 Sword of Legion buff + 1600 Devil skulls + 2 honer buff 14 days
event is every Monday 23:00
server time hopping good luck for every one in the event