🧪 Alchemy Event
~Alchemy event is daily event to get free EP or "Alchemic" title. When Event Start ? ~Event start everyday 19:00h Server time you will See notice in game When event start How to Join event ? ~You need to pick any item at any place and start to fuse it How its working ? ~Event is based on pkt culculating How to get pkt points? ~you need to fuse item and collect pkt : between +5 and +10 -> +2 pkt between +11 and +14 -> +6 pkt +15 and more -> +10 pkt Fail -> -2 pkt Can i look how mutch pkt i have collected ? ~Yes you can write in game general chat !alchemyhour and you will see notice how many pkt you have. Who win this event ? ~Event winner is most pkt collected player ! when Event finish all server will get notice who win event, winner will get rewarded 50EP and Alchemic Title for 24h , other players who have 10pkt or more get reward 10EP! We hope this guide will help for players ,thx for reading and Goodluck in event !