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🏅 STR PvP Master

🏅 STR PvP Master


Event registration time:
every Monday 22:30 Server Time Registrationservertime

Event start time:
every Monday 23:00 Server Time Startservertime

Do you have what it takes to be a PVP Master? Then come and demonstrate your abilities in this 1 vs 1 competition!Rules:

  • 1.
    Zerk is Rulesnot STRallowed
  • 2. Socket stones are not allowed
  • 3. Balloons are not allowed
  • 4. 20% Attack / Defense Scrolls are not allowed
  • 5. Wanted Buff is not allowed

for Chinese Characters:

1. No socket
2. No zerk
3. No balloons
4. No scrolls
5. No burning shield
  • 6. NoBurning sunShield guard
not allowed
  • 7. Sun Guard is not allowed
  • 8. For bowBower: not much running around
  • 9. Snow Shield is not allowed
  • for European Characters:

    • 6. Bless spell is not allowed
    • 7. Iron Skin is not allowed
    • 8. NoVital snow
    is not allowed
  • 9. NoReflect wanted
  • is
    10. English in chat only(you will be warned once)
    11. Do not spamallowed chats or global after a match

    Reward for whateverthe reason.

    - Champion1x willHonor receive:
    1x "Chinese PVP Master" Title
    • 1 Sword of Legion Scroll
    • 100 Event Point
    • 1"European PVP Master"-Title
    - Buff
    • 100 skullSwords of Each
    - note:4x If100 youSkulls
    - have100x Event Point (EP)

    Reward for the PVP2nd MasterPlace:
    - Buff1x youSwords are not allowed to participate inof the PVPLegion
    - event60x untilEvent thatPoint buff(EP)

    has wore off.